Wednesday, 4 April 2018

A Guide to UK Property Bonds

There are loads of investment opportunities available, offering varying levels of risk and rates of return. Property investing remains one of the most popular, however, particularly given the returns available in the UK market. Property bonds are one of the options you have if you want to invest in UK p
What are UK property bonds, however, and how do they work? We’ve got the answers to your questions.

What Are Property Bonds?
With a property bond, you invest in part of a property development. Your investment is typically secured by an asset, such as the land the property will be built on. Developers can issue multiple property bonds on a single development. As a result, the cost of individual bonds is relatively low – considerably lower than the cost of the overall development.
How Do Property Bonds Work?
Developers issue property bonds for planned developments to raise funds for the construction work. In other words, property bonds are an alternative source of finance for the developer.
The bonds are usually issued for a fixed term, often in the region of three to five years. The fixed term is typically set for a period of time that allows the property developer to complete the construction and generate a return.
How Do Property Bonds Generate a Return?
The returns you get from a property bond investment typically come from the developer completing the property and then selling it. The returns you get may also be funded from rental income generated by the property.
In other situations, developers will generate returns for property bond investors by refinancing the property.
Who Are Property Bonds Suitable For?
There are two main types of investor that property bonds may be suitable for:
  • Small investors
  • Hands-off investors
Small investors are those who don’t have access to the capital required to make a traditional property investment. Traditional property investments include buying land and building on it. Alternatives are purchasing properties to renovate and sell for a profit or purchasing properties to rent as a buy-to-let landlord.
The amount of money required to invest in a property bond is often much lower than traditional investments, making property bonds an option for smaller investors.
Hands-off investors, on the other hand, can invest either small or large amounts of money. In fact, a hands-off investor could have enough capital to invest in a property bond that covers the entire cost of development.
Hands-off investors choose property bonds because they don’t want to become involved in the actual development work. This could be for many reasons, including not having the time.
Are There Any Risks?
All investments carry risks, and there are risks when investing in property bonds too. Whether this investment is right for you depends on your personal circumstances. You should get advice on these matters before deciding to invest.
What Should You Do Now?
If you decide property bonds are an investment option you would like to explore further, you should research the market. There are many property bond products available, and each is different.
Finding the right opportunity, however, can get you into the property investment market and will generate a return.

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