Sunday, 31 December 2017

The Best Documentary Ever - The Bitcoin Phenomenon

What on Earth is Bitcoin anyway? How does it work? 

Is it really worth anything?

Are people investing, or gambling?

Over 1 million people answered these questions by watching this documentary - check it out and let us know what you think!

Why You Should Learn to Swing Trade, Even If You Have a Busy Life

I tried day trading once. I tried to fit it in between working 60 hours a week, continuous meetings and phone calls, coaching, volunteering for school, etc. Let's just say it didn't work out. I was too distracted, and didn't know what I was doing. I lost a lost of money very quickly.

I almost gave up on the stock market for good. I decided to look more into swing trading. Holding positions that are based on valuation and take a little longer to develop. It was the best decision I ever made. I absolutely loved it. I hated the volatility of day trading. It seemed shallow to me and it didn't fit my personality. But swing trading fit me to a tee, and here's why:

1. It takes a decent amount of work to find good trades. You have to learn technical and fundamental analysis, and be able to scan through stocks to find the requirement you like. Then you need the patience to hold them until your trade plan comes to fruition. I liked this so much more because the research I put in gave me a sense of accomplishment that I never felt before.

2. You don't have to quit your day job. Swing trade stocks typically move slower and take a little longer, so you don't have to be glued to the computer. Set auto stops and profit triggers and let the trade come to you. I check my swing trades 2 times a day on my iPhone just to make sure things are going well. This provides and amazing supplemental income for me and my family to take extra vacations and have nicer stuff (and maybe retire a little sooner.)

3. You can sign up for a watchlist service relatively cheap, and get great ideas from a professional. They are usually a little higher quality than day trading watchlists. Don't ever take a watchlist as gospel though. Use them for ideas, but do your own research. I enjoyed doing the backup research because I liked to feel 100% confident that I knew exactly what I was trading and why.

4. There are a lot of good and bad teachers out there. It takes a little time and research to find the right mentor, but when you do, they can really take your trading to the next level. Do your research and when you're ready, invest in yourself.


Ryan Townsley

I am up 106% already in 2017. If you'd like to find out more about my trading, visit me at my website.

Visit my website

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Saturday, 30 December 2017

How the Bitcoin Bubble Will Pop

Do you think Bitcoin is a bubble? When do you think it'll pop?

4 Things to Avoid When Investing in Stocks

In 2016 I churned over $1M dollars in trades on one of our retirement accounts. (a more detailed post on that is in the works) My return at the end of the year? About $2K. Wah Wah. We're you expecting a bigger number? So was I.

I don't use that strategy for all our accounts, but trying to "beat the market" I wanted to see how well I could do.

Over the years I've tried a lot of different strategies and have been affected by market psychology just like many people, but looking back after investing for 30 years, my biggest mistakes stand out. I've highlighted here, what I estimate to have cost me by biggest losses during that time. Let's get to it.

#1 Asking friends if a stock is a good or bad investment 
I had a friend who was a heavy user of Adobe products. A lifetime customer, who was intricately immersed in the features and had used their software for many years. When a recommendation to buy the stock popped up, I bounced the idea off of her, and she hedged and wouldn't commit that she thought that there was still growth available within the company. I took that as negative commentary and passed on the stock. The stock has steadily marched from about $40 to topping $170 recently. Asking a friend for a green light or red light on such an investment is the same as throwing darts at a stock chart. You can value their opinion as a customer, but don't read any more into than that.

Fix: Do you own research and trust your gut.

#2 Paying too much attention to news sources 
I often evaluate my investment sources, based on what they cost me, and my subsequent return on investment ideas that I garner from their content. Based on that formula, Barron's magazine has probably cost me in excess of $15K for the price of going too heavy on Transocean (RIG), based on a 500 word article written about the offshore drilling company in 2013. The parent company of the Deep Water Horizon rig tragedy that flooded the Gulf coast with oil for 30 days in 2009, looked good on paper. It wasn't and it proceeded to sink from $50 to below $10 over a period of 3 years. With so much noise on all the investment channels it's hard not to be influenced by the stock pick of the day.

I was a little surprised when the story broke that even Jim Cramer doesn't beat the market. Most of this is about making sure that you're balancing your true risk (see below) and researching as much about the company as possible.

Fix: Don't go too heavy on a single investment and use multiple sources to balance your decision.

#3 Watching the market too closely every day

In the past, I've tried to micromanage my investments, in buying and selling, based on overall profit or loss, in a day, week, or monthly period. Most of the time, that has resulted in what is the standard for most people that try it. I end up selling my winners too early, and holding on to my losers (and a larger percentage of the losers) for too long. If you make it to the end of this article, and you can truly come to a reconciliation of your true risk exposure, then at the end of the day, you should feel very comfortable holding your investments, no matter what happens in the market on a day to day basis. (and that doesn't always simply mean "Buy and hold" forever)

One stock that I micromanaged too closely was Fitbit (FIT). It started out like gangbusters and I felt like a genius early on, but there was so much negative sentiment about the stock, even though the company was showing a profit, that when the tide started to turn, I was over exposed. I learned my lessons on that one, but I still hold onto some shares at a risk level that I'm OK with. I do that, because I still believe in the company and I'm an avid user of their products. Based on my current investment, I'm OK if the stock moves down by 10% to 15%.

Fix: Turn the news channels off. There is very little in the way of "Breaking news" that will make a difference in your returns.

#4 Selling too soon

This last one is really the flip side of the same coin, related to the one above. I've lost so much money by selling too soon, that I should long be retired on a beach somewhere. It reminded me of a note that I had sent to my niece that addresses long term investing strategies. From Microsoft to Amazon, many people have stories that include selling too soon, and they shouldn't because it's easily unavoidable.

My most recent premature trigger pull was with Weight Watchers stock (WTW). I had entered a position 3 years ago, and added to the position as the stock fell. I garnered a windfall when Oprah purchased 10% of the company, and made a nice little profit on the bounce. While the stock came off it's highs of around $25 and returned to the low teens for a year, I had always felt the stock was worth in the neighborhood of where I originally established a position, $50. However, after the ups and downs of another year, with no traction, I decided to exit my position of my remaining 600 shares at $17. Today, the stock is at $46.

Everyone has Win/Loss stories, but the bottom line here is, that I went against my own (and my wife's) better judgement of selling too early. The stock is at $46 today, and I would have garnered an extra $18K if I had simply held the stock. Dollar cost averaging works when you sell too. So if you're exiting a position that you think might turn around, simply don't exit it 100%.

Fix: Buy what you know and understand the fundamentals. Also understand the competitive landscape.

Understanding risk

When looking at a basket of recommendations from various sources, in the past, I've sometimes tried to "cherry pick" a guess, based on a gut feel or on buzz that was in the market. Don't try this. It doesn't work. What I realized about what I was doing was that I was taking on way too much "risk". Everyone knows that investments are risky, but you really need to objectively take a look at how much exposure you have, especially across multiple investment accounts. For example if you own offshore drillers in one account, and Exxon in another account, you should consider that as an investment in oil. The more accounts that you maintain, the more difficult that can be.

What gave me a better handle on understanding risk was reading the chapter on the topic from a basic investment book. The book provides practical examples about risk, and reality. When you pick a stock and it gradually slides from $40 dollars a share to $20 dollars a share, then you've lost 50% of your original investment. HOWEVER, the thing that most people overlook is that that same stock must rise by 100% now, just for you to break even. The chances of that happening, especially over a short period of time are very small. Now, I take a much smaller initial position in any stock, and decide over time if I want to subsequently add, subtract or exit from that position.

This also let's you get a feel for management's reporting style, during quarterly earnings reports. Some of these CEO's are maddeningly frustrating with what they say, and how they report their own numbers. Getting a feel for those skills might provide you with an indication of whether you're a good fit for that company, as an investor.

Bottom Line

The bottom line is that you should really focus on learning as much as you can about yourself, as an investor. That includes both strengths and weaknesses. Do all the leg work that you can, and take into account what you know to be historically accurate. History repeats itself, and that is more true in the stock market than almost any other place.

For more content about personal finance visit my blog at

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Friday, 29 December 2017

Cryptocurrency Mining Hardware Guide - Ethereum + Siacoin

Cryptocoin mining is back in the spotlight - but before you jump into building your own mining rig, let us give you some advice.

Do you mine?

Do you want to mine?

What's holding you back?

How to Raise Funds Using Crowdfunding Sites

To be able to give back and help people who are in need is one of the best things that you can ever do in your life. If you have the time and the resources, you should do your best to do some good and donate to charitable institutions. If you do not have the funds one of the best ways to raise them is to use crowdfunding or crowdsourcing sites.

New Term

Crowdfunding is no longer a new term. People have been using it for a long time now and it has grown in popularity ever since the increase of people's use of the internet. Through these crowdsourcing sites, people from around the world can connect with other people and ask them to help fund their causes.

Help Your Charity

To use these sites to help fund your charity, the most important thing you need to do is to create compelling content. This type of content does not have to move people to tears with an extremely sad story. Rather it should be able to stir some compassion from anyone who reads it. When compassion is triggered, people become more amenable to donating funds for your cause.


Your content should have the right mix of text and pictures that will captivate and compel the audience enough to make a contribution to your cause. If you are planning on raising funds for people who have been struck by a devastating calamity, you should include pictures of homes that have been destroyed and people who have been displaced from their homes. Do not go too far and post pictures of dead bodies lying on the ground. These can sometimes make a person feel uncomfortable instead of feeling compassionate.

Your content should detail the reasons why you are raising funds through the crowdfunding site. It should include your plans and how you intend to use the money that you have raised. This gives people an idea as to where their contributions would go.


Offer a nice inexpensive incentive to convince people to make a contribution. Some people would give a token or a product that is symbolic of the cause. Keychains are among the most common giveaways given for every donation made.


Answer queries and concerns about your fundraising campaign. People will want to know what the cause is and why you need funding for it. Naturally, they would ask you questions about the campaign. You should be ready to answer all kinds of questions as people will surely be sending them in.


Lastly, you should try to find a way to promote your fundraising campaign. Back in the day when people were not so addicted to the internet, in order to promote something, people would need to pay huge amounts of money just to advertise on print and on TV ads. They also did not have a wide range of viewing gadgets that people enjoy today. There are no such things as online followers, retweets and regrams, and sharing of content.


Nowadays, it is easier than ever to reach out to more people and spread the reasons for your cause. Use social media, tap media influencers, and get word out there about your fund raising campaign. Do not forget to tell your audience where and how they can donate. Campaigns for raising funds are definitely more effective with the use of sites that have a wide reach like crowdsourcing sites.

Rob Hillman is a Crowdfunding Enthusiast. To find out more about all types of crowdfunding, please visit

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Thursday, 28 December 2017

How to Build Wealth with Low Income

Have you heard of the Cashflow Quadrant? If not, you need to watch this video and join the other million plus people who are now one step closer to understanding the key to building wealth over time!

How to Control Your Bad Money Habits

Changing your bad money habits does not come easy, but it is also not a difficult task. One thing that is very important when it comes to changing your bad money habits and controlling your finance is, taking a firm decision, and maintaining self-discipline to follow through it.

This article contains some things you must consider if you want to be able to change your bad money habits.

Make a Decision

Changing your bad money habits would require you to first make a critical decision in your life whether you want to change your bad money habits or not. You cannot change your bad money habits without first resolving to do so.

Taking charge and controlling your finances will afford you the power to reshape your life positively. Making the resolve in your heart to change your bad money habits is the first step, but it does not end there. What is more important is your decision to stay committed and determined every single day.

How far down have you gone? 
When it comes to money challenges, one problem that is very peculiar is the fact that the moment you start making financial mistakes, things begin to start piling up quickly. If you leave your financial mistakes for too long without attending to them, things may start going downhill.

How then do you get a clue as to how far down you have gone? Honestly, consider the following questions: 
• Do you make a habit of paying your bills late? 
• Have you pushed aside some basic financial expenses due to insufficient funds? 
• Do you often spend more than your income allows?

Managing your Money

You do not have to start living below your means before you can start taking charge of your financial situations. You do not have to start giving up your daily cup of coffee before you can assume control over your finances. All that is required from you is the ability to master the art of self-control and postpone pleasure and focus on the more important things. You must understand the art of getting into good debts, rather than bad debts; and know how to take advantage of them.

Managing your Debt

The real culprit in your financial struggle is not debt. There is the good debt, and then there is the bad debt.

Good debt is the debt you incur in investing in assets, which in turn makes you some more money. Bad debt, on the other hand, takes money away from you. You spend bad debt on pleasurable things such as cars, and clothes; which do not necessarily make you more money in return. You must understand the difference between good debt and bad debt.

You do not have to start living below your means to take control of your finances; rather, you must seek to enlarge your means. This, you can do by acquiring assets that can sufficiently generate you more income, which will be able to cater for your needs.

Pay yourself

The idea behind this is, whatever money you receive from all your sources of income such as salary, gift, or tax refund; you must remove 30% for yourself. Whatever is left, share it between your savings account (as your rainy day fund), and your investment account.

You can start today, and make it a lifelong habit of changing your bad money habits.

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Wednesday, 27 December 2017

7 Psychological Money Saving Tricks - How to Save More Money Each Month!

We can all find it difficult to save money sometimes - especially when we've been lusting after a much needed break, a new toy or essential yet unexpected repair costs. However, managing your money well is the key to building wealth over time and the golden rule of the rich is that they always pay themselves (their investments) first.

What's your saving strategy?

Gold Bullion: 11 Foolproof Strategic Investment Reasons

Obviously, you may be asking why is gold so important or precious and what is all these noises really about? Well, the brain behind my write-up is that l doesn't want you to be ignorant of your financial/investment/retirement future and planning. You must not continue to leave in the dark-age in matters concerning gold and precious metals, thus I present before you infallible reasons why gold must be part of your investment combo.

1. Assets diversification. When pondering on investment vehicles, usually an old adage comes to mind "don't put all your eggs in one basket". Although some critics say put all your eggs in one basket and watch over it, good luck to them. The reasonable and savvy investors must ensure that at least 5% of their investment portfolio is gold and precious metals.

2. Continual existence of gold. The fact is that gold out-leaved human age and as long as the world remains, gold will be in perpetuity. Gold is superior to other property, products or investments (buildings, vehicles, stocks, bonds etc.) because the value of these properties can erode with passage of time and prevailing economic phenomenon. Take for instance, the global stock market saga of year 2008; also you need to incur maintenance cost in order to keep them in good shape.

Gold on the other hand, the value is not eroded neither does it oxidized irrespective of the number of years we are considering.

3. Scarcity of gold. Gold is finite in supply. Statistics revealed that annual global production of gold is about 2,500tons and the worth of gold in the entire world is estimated at 9trillion US dollars. You better buy into gold now rather than regretting in later years.

4. Status symbol. Without mincing words, gold is highly eyes appealing and have powerful impact on human nature/race. In fact, China and India are well known for the high value they placed on gold as their store of wealth, so their wealth is expressed by the quantity and quality of gold you possessed.

It is inbuilt in human nature to want to belong to the highest investors/social/political class, so the worth of the gold you possessed in some society will dictate whether you belong to this ostentatious class of elites.

5. Counterparty risks. Gold is absolutely excluded from counterparty risk. The said term means you are putting your faith on the ability of the other party to a deal/contract to perform at the due date. The examples of buying stocks, employers and employees will explain better.

You buy stocks from the capital market in anticipation of dividend, price appreciation and cash at later year. It is possible that the stock market may collapse before your target date or the case of employee working for an employer, it is expected that at retirement the employer will pay gratuity and pension but the employer may go under before retirement. All these scenarios cannot happen to gold because it is tangible, in your possession and you can easily convert it to cash to better your lots.

6. Substitutionary insurance policy. The purpose of insurance policy is to put you in the exact financial position you enjoy prior to the loss. Gold can also play the same role if you have same. At the time of national crises (war) like that experienced in Africa - Liberia and Ruwanda, 1Kg of gold can restore a person to life of conveniences again.

7. Bull market (gold). When you read any guide or advisory on commodity or security, disclaimer is usually the beginning of such and the summary is that "past performance is not a guarantee of future result". Therefore, gold is exempted from that pattern and since the beginning of the new millennium; gold has been on bull-run with double digit gains.

8. Anchor against deflation. Of course, an open secret that economic recession is now a global phenomenon, the ever increasing debts of nations (USA and UK for example) could potentially result to deflation with catastrophic economic impacts. The aftermath is that value of assets will be eroded but gold has resilience and perform better in holding its value irrespective of economic challenges.

9. Geopolitical risks. Wars, terrorism (USA - unforgettable 911), natural disasters and other allied perils characterized the global society today. At the time of war for instance, safety and individual's survivor is the major concern, assuredly there will be economic paralysis and downturns. The major assets; real estate, financial instruments, other properties and cash currency will be next to useless in value. During such time, gold provides peace of mind and the value remains constant.

10. Store of value. Historically, gold has thousands of years with backup track records as the best store of value. Irrespective of economic and global situations (technological changes, trends, development etc.) gold possessed the feature of acceptability and constancy of value. Therefore, for the safety of your investment, retirement and to pass your assets to next generation, gold is your best bet.

11. Gold is money backer. History tells us that first gold coins were minted and put into circulation by 550BC; gold has been longest and lasting form of money. Intrinsically, till tomorrow sun shall rise, gold remain a form of money-backers.

In view of these green lights, a stitch in time saves nine. Kindly click on the link below to start your gold investment or 401K.

Adewale Olofinnika is a multi-disciplinary professional, internet marketer and expert writer who has made a landmark in various niches on the internet. He is also a major player in some freelancer sites. Of paramount importance in all deals are professionalism, ethics, attention to details, integrity, uprightness etc.

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Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Introduction to Commodities - MoneyWeek Investment Tutorials

Out of all the asset classes to invest in, commodities are considered one of the most solid ways to hedge your risk in case of a serious economic downturn. Do you understand how these assets move in relation to the wider market of stocks and FOREX? It pays to understand the key relationships between them and how they can be used to protect your net worth!

Did you find this video helpful? Let us know in the comments below!

Should You Invest in Gold or Silver?

Gold prices-the price per ounce of bullion or of coins, such as Kruggerand or American Eagle gold coins-have shot up in the past several years. Silver prices have followed suit (see the current price of silver, for example). If you listen to commercials or read advertisements, prices can only go up.

That means 2017 is a great time for investing in silver or gold, right? Not necessarily.

Investing in Silver; Investing in Gold

People invest in gold and silver for two primary reasons. First, they might hope that prices will continue to increase (desire to gain money). Otherwise, they believe that other investments will decrease in value (desire not to lose money). Yet how do you know when either will happen?

Gold and silver both have practical uses. A lump of precious metal is often pretty. You can admire it. You can make it into jewelry. You can use it as a component in certain industrial processes.

Beyond that, a gold coin sits on your shelf and collects dust. Any value it gains is independent of its existence. It's just a coin. Due to circumstances outside of your control it could be gaining value now-or it could be losing value.

Compare that to a business. Any good business worth owning will make you money. Even a lemonade stand that costs you $100 to start and makes you $125 every summer produces $25 in profit the first year. Every year you keep running the business, it produces more money. Remember that the money a business produces is the most important metric of success.

At any point you can take your profit, as the owner of that lemonade stand. You can pay yourself a dividend. You can invest back in the business, to serve more customers or build more lemonade stands. You can do a lot with the cash that business generates.

Every year, your gold or silver coin sits on the shelf and collects dust. There's little you yourself can do to affect its price.

Are Precious Metals Good Investments?

Why do people invest in gold? What's the point?

Is buying gold risky? Depending on your appetite for risk, sometimes it can make sense. Precious metals like gold and silver and platinum tend to move in directions opposite of the market. If there's a market drop (like in 2008), gold prices tend to rise. You can't count on that happening, but diversifying your investments into classes like stocks, bonds, and commodities can help you avoid losing everything.

Gold and silver prices can continue to increase. They may get more valuable because they get more scarce-mining and refining might produce far less gold or silver one year-but by the same token, they might lose value because the get more common, too. Can you predict that?

Gold and silver prices might increase because demand increases. More people want to buy them. (That's probably why there are so many advertisements to buy gold or silver!) Then again, demand might decrease. Can you predict that?

Maybe they'll do neither. Maybe they'll hold their value. Maybe $1000 in gold bullion today will be worth about $1000 in gold bullion in five years, and you'll only have lost inflation. That's better than losing everything, right?

Meanwhile, all of those great businesses worth owning make real money every year. This profit gets returns to investors as dividends or stock buybacks or other investments to make even more money in the future.

Meanwhile, what's the market for your Kruggerand? It's not as easy to sell as a share of gold. 
You need to have someone evaluate its condition and then find a buyer willing to negotiate with you for some fraction of what it might be worth. You could melt it down for its value as a fixed amount of gold, but that's illegal for many currencies and you won't necessarily get the full value of the coin.

How Do You Sell Gold?

If you do own gold and want to turn it back into cash, how can you do that? How easy is that? Or what if there's no cash available? How are you going to trade a bar of bullion for a deer carcass and some hunting rifle

This is how men make wealth by knowing the future trends. More on this gold market in my next article.

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Monday, 25 December 2017

How The Economic Machine Works by Ray Dalio

This is an excellent video by the World's most successful private hedge fund founder, Ray Dalio. It clearly and simply explains economic cycles and how the ebb and flow of the World's economies work together.

Economics 101 -- "How the Economic Machine Works."

Created by Ray Dalio this simple but not simplistic and easy to follow 30 minute, animated video answers the question, "How does the economy really work?" Based on Dalio's practical template for understanding the economy, which he developed over the course of his career, the video breaks down economic concepts like credit, deficits and interest rates, allowing viewers to learn the basic driving forces behind the economy, how economic policies work and why economic cycles occur.

Why the UK Is Attracting Investors Looking for Student Accommodation

Did you know that there is a vast shortage all over the UK of student accommodation? Every major city has a university, some more than one and where there is a university you will find students and all those students throughout their periods of study, need accommodation.

It is estimated that only fifty percent of all students in the UK have access to high-quality and specifically purpose-built student accommodation. When you look at high dense population areas, it's expected that this figure declines to even less, somewhere in the region of just twenty percent. This massive shortage means a wonderful investment opportunity is available to any savvy investor.

Doing the maths, it looks like there are almost a hundred thousand students alone in the London area that have a high demand for accommodation and that demand is only ever going to rise! Student property really needs to be conveniently located and by that, we mean close to good areas for socializing and on good public transport links to the university campus. Tick those essential boxes and you will have students knocking down your door in a rush to rent from you.

I appreciate this might sound too good to be true but dense populations spring up in inner city areas that quickly become known as student zones. While this may put off traditional private sales and in some cases cut pricing of private sales of property, for the specific student property expert, this is a perfect situation where you will be able to maximise your return on investment in very quick time. Some good examples of UK locations include Brighton, Plymouth, Bristol, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburg, Exeter and needless to say London.

If accommodation is purpose-built for students then the quality of student is higher, this means the rental returns are higher and you can also attract overseas students, many of which will not have the budget limitations facing local students. Think of purpose built student accommodation mimicking smaller halls of residence. For this you need ideally a larger property that can be split into studio style rental apartments numbering four or five. If you can get such a property close to or next to the University campus then this will strengthen the purpose built approach and really boarder your student market appeal.

Students are reliable, they rent for set periods of time, and you get plenty of notice of the tenancy ending and can literally replace those tenants with the next student intake. All you need to do is make sure you are ahead of the student calendar and make use of current tenant's recommendations, word of mouth advertising or post notices within University campus areas or on the host of student accommodation websites. It is unlikely you will ever be short of a hungry demographic.

The UK has always attracted a broad spectrum of investors, but due to the increase of students looking to rent temporary accommodation, there has also been an increase in student property investors. They are essentially buy-to-let investors with a keen focus on the student market.

The UK also offers property investors a strong and consistent annual yield. The property value in the UK can grow much over the years. This mainly due to the active market, high demand and limited amount of land to develop property on.

David Cameron has recently decided to increase the influx of overseas students from India, which means that we will not be seeing a decrease in the demand for student property anytime soon. If you are a property investor I suggest that this is a market worth looking into.

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Sunday, 24 December 2017

William Ackman: Everything You Need to Know About Finance and Investing ...

This fantastic video by William Ackman tells you everything you need to know about investing in under an hour. Pretty impressive huh?! 

Comment below with what you thought was the best piece of advice!

William Ackman: Everything You Need to Know About Finance and Investing in Under an Hour.

WILLIAM ACKMAN, Activist Investor and Hedge-Fund Manager

We all want to be financially stable and enjoy a well-funded retirement, and we don't want to throw out our hard earned money on poor investments. But most of us don't know the first thing about finance and investing. Acclaimed value investor William Ackman teaches you what it takes to finance and grow a successful business and how to make sound investments that will get you to a cash-comfy retirement.

The Floating University
Originally released September 2011

The Rise in Popularity of the Serviced Apartment

Serviced apartments are a relatively recent phenomenon. They are fully furnished flats that have similar amenities to hotel rooms and can be used for either short-term or longer-term stays, offering a more home-from-home type experience. Some of the main benefits of staying in a serviced apartment as opposed to a hotel room are that they offer on average 30% more space, more privacy, and are more cost-effective in terms of there being no extra hidden costs and fully equipped kitchens reduces meal expenses. According to The Apartment Service, serviced apartments are around 15 - 30% cheaper than hotel rooms, adding to their appeal to businesses and the discerning tourist alike.

In recent years, the serviced apartment - a subsector of the hospitality industry - has grown more than any other temporary accommodation class in Europe. This can in part be attributed to globalisation and the needs for workers to travel more frequently to offices located out of town, and companies looking for less expensive ways to accommodate them. Also, families may have a preference to stay together and require a different set up to what hotels offer, in terms of wanting to keep an elderly relative close, having an office space to catch up on work tasks, or to allow older children more privacy.

The evidence of their popularity lies in occupancy rates. Serviced apartments in the UK averaged an 81% occupancy rate in 2016, and outperformed hotel rooms which stood at 77.2%. Amongst businesses, their usage is also increasing. According to a recent survey carried out by the Business Travel Show in November 2016, four in ten corporate buyers have reported that they would have used serviced apartments more by the end of 2016 than they did in 2015.

As we have mentioned above, serviced apartments are outperforming hotel rooms in terms of occupancy rates. Due to their cost-effective nature, they are becoming popular with companies sending employees on business trips, and those travelling for leisure who require more flexibility in their accommodation than what a hotel can offer.

Serviced apartment companies are relishing their success and are subsequently expanding at a fast pace. SACO are currently one of the largest operators of serviced apartments and over the past few years have made several acquisitions. Since the start of the year SACO have secured additional developments in London, Cambridge and Dublin, and a fourth is in the pipeline in Manchester. This demonstrates a confidence in the market, and indeed, a 2016/17 report by Savills predicted that 2017 would be "record growth" in terms of new developments in the UK. 
The distinction between serviced apartments and Airbnb.

Governments have been cracking down on Airbnb rentals, which in part allows for success in the serviced apartment market. Berlin has banned tourists from renting entire flats from Airbnb to protect affordable housing, and Airbnb are banned from listing short term rentals in New York. Serviced apartments differ in that they are not flats owned by individuals looking to achieve a supplementary income, but rather they are owned by a company with the sole purpose of renting them out on either a short-term or long-term basis to individuals who need somewhere to stay. Unlike Airbnb, the apartments are not someone else's permanent residence.

The crackdown of Airbnb rentals in some locations is allowing serviced apartments the opportunity to accommodate those who would have used Airbnb, further boosting demand for the units. 
Serviced apartments as an investment

Investors looking to invest in the serviced apartment sector will be enthused by its fundamentals. In terms of the specific investment, individuals will be looking for buildings with high quality facilities in good, central locations. Keeping in mind that the people who will use the apartments will be either business travellers or leisure travellers (or a combination of both), they will require easy access to transport links and the area's attractions and amenities. Due to stays being generally longer (research has shown that 91% of stays are of 14 nights+), residents will be reassured of a more stable income as their apartment will be occupied for a more definite period. The longer than average duration of stay, coupled with lower running costs, means that serviced apartments generally achieve higher net operating incomes compared to regular hotels. This helps to allay the worries of individuals considering hotel room investments but are concerned about the possibility of gaps in occupancy.

Sir Thomas House is an excellent example of an attractive investment in Liverpool. It occupies a city centre location close to Liverpool's bars and restaurants, attractions and transport links. Liverpool itself boasts not only a booming tourism industry but also a growing economy - home to the largest proportion of fast growing new businesses in the country. A report on the hotel industry in 2017 by PwC also identified Liverpool as a place that will experience growth in terms of revenue achieved per room, indicating an increased demand and willingness to spend more in the city. These factors ensure that there will be a sustained requirement for the apartments from tourists and business travelers alike.

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Saturday, 23 December 2017

Blockchain is Eating Wall Street | Alex Tapscott | TEDxSanFrancisco

Blockchain is quite literally changing the face of the World as we know it - so many different applications beyond digital assets and finance with Ethereum's Smart Contracts and loads of other great technology that's currently being developed!

How do you think blockchain technology will affect you in the next decade?

Winter Is Coming - It's a Great Time for Real Estate Investing

You've no doubt heard the concern that real estate sells best in the Spring and Summer - that the worst time for buying and selling houses is Winter.

And, Winter is coming! So what should you do?

First of all, don't panic! We've been investing in real estate full time since January 2005. Here's what we've found, not only for ourselves, but for most of the other investors we know. True: the number of calls you'll get from sellers and the number of offers you'll get from buyers will decline.

However, also true: the quality of those contacts will be much higher. Both buyers and sellers calling during these months are serious! So no, Winter is not the season to panic. In fact, some of our most profitable deals come at the end of the year.

I've heard many investors say that December and/or January are their most profitable months. Why?

A lot of investors as well as real estate agents get out of the business during these months. They cut back or stop their marketing all together and often use these months to vacation. So, as long as you're still active, you're the one who will get the buy/sell calls.

Many high net worth individuals need to use up cash to avoid taxes before year end and they turn to real estate. Now is a great time for you to be calling CPAs and tax advisors to let them know how you can help these clients.

While families are together over the holidays, decisions are made regarding what to do with their parents' home, or that it's time to stop dealing with inherited properties. These sellers call us in January needing to sell estate properties.

Fewer buyers during the holidays means less buying competition for us as investors and fewer buyers means sellers reduce prices to get their homes sold. This is the perfect time to buy at discount and begin renovating so your property is back on the market in time for prime selling season, Spring!

Bottom line, don't panic. Get excited and be prepared to provide solutions for those needing to buy and sell in the winter months. The market is less active, meaning less competition, and the buyers and sellers who are out there are far more serious than the casual shoppers who come back out in the Spring.

What has been your experience in the Winter months? What will you do differently this Winter?

Here's wishing you Happy Winter Investing!

My name is Karen Rittenhouse and I've been investing in real estate full time since 2004. I currently buy about 60 houses per year, most of which I wholesale.

And I currently own a HomeVestors franchise (the We Buy Ugly Houses People!). I love real estate investing!

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Friday, 22 December 2017

The Real Truth About The 2008 Financial Crisis | Brian S. Wesbury | TEDx...

What do you think caused the 2008 financial meltdown that saw the near collapse of the World's financial systems? Are we out of it yet?

Is there another crash on the horizon? Are you ready?

What Drives Your Trading? The Need To Avoid Losses, Or The Desire To Win?

Yesterday I had an interesting consultation with one of my long standing professional trading clients: He observed that his desire to win was oftentimes superseded by the desire not to lose. He said whenever he traded like that he would lose money.

I was delighted that my client had made this profound observation about his deeper emotions. These kinds of insights, when they come to you without being prompted, are the domain of an emotionally trained brain that has learned to go deeper beyond the intellectual part of the brain into the hidden subconscious terrain.

Your trading decisions are made with the intellectual part of your brain which resides in the neo cortex:

Yet 95% of all your thinking feeling and actions are automatic. They reside in the amygdala, which runs the survival instincts and every part of the business that keeps you functioning on a daily basis as a human being. Without the amygdala you could not operate the way you do. I believe that you can already see how this system has hidden value conflicts readily built into the operating mechanics of your brain.

Imagine you had to consciously think how to move every limb in your body, which muscle to engage and limb to use to wash your hair, operate the buy and sell button on your trading account, and how to do all those routine tasks you do every day without giving them another thought.

The amygdala ensures your survival and it does so on auto pilot, which is great.

The problem is that you are making your trading decisions with the 5% of your conscious intellectual brain, while your actions are driven by the 95% of your subconscious brain.

Your body is the final feed back outpost: When you notice feeling uneasy, stressed or hesitant you are observing the final warning signs that you are not in sync with your desired outcome. Your feeling tone is the last feedback, sign before the road comes to an end. There is a barrier beyond there is no further to travel on that road. You must either turn back, or face the consequences of walking beyond the barrier.

The secret is to align the subconscious part of your brain with the conscious part of your brain. When the subconscious and conscious parts of your brain are aligned you are congruent with your desires and intentions. Change can happen now.

Guided meditation is a very effective tool that allows you to access the deeper levels of your subconscious mind.

When you learn to notice whenever your trading decisions arise from survival needs versus the desire to make a winning trade you start thinking like a winning trader

Mercedes Oestermann van Essen is a thought leader in the field of trading psychology. She is the author of "The Buddhist Trader" and other books on trading psychology and personal development.

Her unique guided meditations for traders increase cognitive awareness and improve trading.

Please visit: and sign up for the monthly Buddhist Trader newsletter for the latest offers and insights.

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Thursday, 21 December 2017

Design Your Dream Life Through Passive Income | Alex Szepietowski | TEDx...

1.9 million people have watched this TED talk on how to design your dream life through passive income - what do you think?

Alex describes his experiences as a young entrepreneur and the steps many others could take to follow in his footsteps. 

After interning in every industry he possibly could, Alex realised that, more than any job in the world, he wanted to be his own boss. In 2012, without money or experience and in his 3rd year of PPE at York (Derwent College), Alex read ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ and decided to start investing in property. He spent his student loan on learning how it was done, and 2 years later owned 24 houses and won a few national awards. Alex is incredibly passionate about inspiring others to believe in themselves and forge their own path, irrespective of their circumstances, or what ‘the norm’ dictates!

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Buying Into Bitcoins

With the 21st century demand for quick and big profits, one of the most controversial new investment vehicles has been Bitcoins, the virtual currency. It's gained controversy partly because of its volatility, partly through the instability of Bitcoin exchanges and partly because their in-traceability meant they were a favored payment method for criminals.

Things are changing and after a particularly volatile spell in which one of the main exchanges, MtGox, filed for bankruptcy, the currency seems to have settled into a more stable pattern allowing investors to be able to take a measured view of whether to risk their money in a currency that technically doesn't exist.


Although Bitcoins are becoming increasingly popular, the market is still quite small, meaning that good and bad news can have a disproportionate effect on the price. The long term outlook for Bitcoins is potentially good, meaning that the upside on price is stronger than the potential for a decline over the long term. Most brokers recommend that you consider Bitcoin a medium to long term investment because of its volatility. Think of it in terms of real estate. No one buys and sells houses many times a day and there can be significant drops in property prices but the long term trend for property prices is usually up. The same can be said for Bitcoins. Whilst there is a significant daily trade in the currency, many Bitcoins are held as investments as analysts believe that it's likely the price of Bitcoins will rise long term because they are becoming more widely accepted.


As with all financial instruments, prices are influenced by supply and demand. Bitcoins are no different but what has caused big fluctuations in price has been the unusual nature of the news that influenced the supply and demand:

• The bankruptcy of MtGox, one of the biggest Bitcoin exchanges

• The closing down of Silk Road which allegedly accepted Bitcoins for drug trading

• The disclosure by the US government that, despite the negative uses of Bitcoins, they believed that the currency had a future

• The media has also stirred up interest by reporting on milestones in the currency's rise and fall, trumpeting the rise to over $1000 and its subsequent plummet on bad publicity.

Generally the advice on investing in Bitcoins is to sit and watch the market for a couple of weeks to get an idea of how the currency trades, its volatility and trends. It's difficult to find rumor that hasn't instantly affected the value, so many suggest investing a small amount and simply watching for opportunities, a little like setting take profit levels with shares and Forex, you can do the same on Bitcoins; it's just a bit longer process and a little less automated.

Just like with any investment, the value can fall, and events like the collapse of MtGox and the closing down of Silk Road, negatively affected Bitcoins; not just because demand was reduced but also because Bitcoins were falsely linked with the companies by urban myth. The market seems to be becoming more regular, but not necessarily regulated, as more exchanges come online. Some of the exchanges will go the same way as MtGox but others will consolidate and become stronger and more reliable. No doubt official regulation will be applied to Bitcoins in due course at which time the volatility is likely to reduce.

Bitcoins represent an exciting and potentially lucrative medium to long term investment vehicle. Exciting because it hasn't yet been accepted into the mainstream of currencies or investment vehicles. One thing investors like about Bitcoins is their conviction to prospects as was in gold.

FXLORDS offers a full range of premium services such as Forex trading signals, Forex managed accounts and Forex training courses to give our clients the opportunity to benefit from day-to-day Forex market trading, and so, became one of the finest sources of financial services and information.

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Saving for the Future While Paying Off Debt

How can you save for the future when you're still paying off the past?